Traditional Smokes Give Way to E-cigarette No Smoke!

Stress in life has led to the increase in cigarette consumption and women have taken a special interest towards smoking. Cigarette is a roll of tobacco with a filter the back and is one of the main causes of cancer. Cigarette also causes strong respiratory diseases that can cause serious discomfort. With a push, there has been a new introduction of e-cigarettes that form an alternative option to the traditional tobacco rolls.

If you research on the internet, you will be offered a series of best e-cigarette brands offering a wide range of features. These are also called electronic cigarettes and also vaporizers and function on a simple heating mechanism. They are environment- friendly and exhale no smoke and has personalized nicotine content depending on your requirement. These cigarettes do not contain the lethal chemicals that are present in a regular cigarette and have flavor options.

Flavors and E-juice 
Best E-Juice

The e-cigarettes function on a fuel based e-liquid that adds the necessary nicotine and flavoring to your electronic cigarette. The nicotine level usually varies between 0 milligrams to 24 milligrams in the liquid. The core ingredients largely comprise of VG (Vegetable Glycerin) and PG (Propylene Glycol) to give a smooth feeling to the fuel. The perfect blend of both in a standard flow ranges between 50% PG/VG
and 70% PG/VG.the blended form gives the end user an array of natural and artificial flavoring comprising of vanilla bean, blue berry, silver fox, green apple to name a few.

How does the best e-cigarette work? 
Best E-cig

The fluid heats up to form aerosol mixture between the optimal ranges of 100 degrees to 250 degrees centigrade. This happens in the cartridge that is automatic and contains a sensor that gets activated the moment the user brings it to his mouth. This further brings about the heating and the user inhales the smoke and enjoys the taste. The key component of the best e-cig is the lithium-ion based battery and it also the biggest part of the device.

There are a lot of varieties available and it may not give you the feeling smoking a traditional cigarette, but the e-cigarette flavors taste way better than burnt tobacco. 


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